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Year School Opened: 1991

Enrollment: 858 as of 3/8/2024

Description of Campus:  Park Hill Elementary School is located on the southeastern edge of the district boundaries near the intersection of Commonwealth and Esplanade Avenues.  The school serves students from kindergarten through fifth grade in 35 classrooms including one room dedicated to music and band instruction.  There is also a multipurpose room that serves as both a cafeteria and a school auditorium.  Outdoor lunchtime seating is also available.  The library is located adjacent to the office and is accessible to students at various times throughout the day.  The campus is designed to accommodate a large student population while also allowing each student access to all the services that the school provides. 

Mission: Within the Park Hill Elementary School community we celebrate and embrace the whole child, in all parts of her or his life. We do this through: Becoming a consistent community; creating a safe, nurturing educational environment; affirming each child's uniqueness, abilities and worth, while maintaining high expectations; and, celebrating and encouraging each others gifts. We do this so that each child who passes through our doors reaches her or his full potential, and possess the abilities and knowledge needed to live a full and meaningful life.

The Student "Bison Pledge"...We don't just say it, WE DO IT: I pledge to follow the Park Hill Way. Be safe, be responsible, be respectable each day. I'll do my best in all I do, I'll come every day wearing my bison blue. I'm proud, I'm an Bison Scholar. I'm a Bison Rock Star, hear me holler! STOMP STOMP, SNORT SNORT...GO BISON!

Feeder Schools: North Mountain Middle School

Park Hill History - The Bison:  In 1991 a new San Jacinto elementary school was being built, next to Park Hill. Bison could be seen grazing upon the hill, which were owned by San Jacinto’s Minor Family. Named only "New School A" at the time, one of the teachers suggested to not be the mascot of the tiger, like all other San Jacinto schools, but make the beautiful and powerful bison the mascot. San Jacinto Unified loved the idea and the new school became Park Hill Elementary Bison! On May 9, 2016, President Barack Obama signed the National Bison Legacy Act into law, officially making the American bison the national mammal of the United States. This majestic animal, as an official symbol of our country, is strong, proud and one of the greatest conservation success stories of all time.